Episode Transcript

Hello, I'm Mike Ryan, and welcome to Episode 3 of 'Hair Care.'

In this episode, we're talking about '3 Areas of Dryness.' Now, this is a common issue many people face - dryness in specific areas of their hair. These areas typically include the bangs, the top back of the head, and the nape area in the lower back portion of the head. So, why are these areas prone to dryness?

It all comes down to the water exposure during your shower, and of course, the duration of that exposure. When I consult with a new customer, I start by briefly examining their hair. Then, I hand them a mirror so I can show them exactly where the shower water is beating down on their head and how it affects their hair in that specific area, and how it looks much different away from that area.

Now, let's dive into the six indications of dry, frizzy hair. First and foremost, it obviously looks different from the surrounding hair. Second, it tends to have a kink rather than a curl or soft wave. Third, the color of the hair is usually lighter. Fourth, it feels dry to the touch, and in the worst-case scenario, it can become stiff. Fifth, the hair tends to separate rather than stay together uniformly.

Remember, if you notice these signs in specific areas of your hair, it's a clear indicator that the problem is related to the duration of water exposure in that specific area. For a visual reference, be sure to check out our frizzy hair contest winners' before and after pictures right below this transcript on our website. Simply scroll down after listening to this episode, and you'll see the stunning transformations that showcase the effectiveness of our hair care tips.

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