Episode Transcript

Hello, I'm Mike Ryan, and welcome to Episode 4 of 'Hair Care.'

In this episode, we're talking about the dryness scale. Now, this scale is geared towards professional hairstylists, but don't worry, it's straightforward for anyone to understand. It's a tool to help you gauge where your hair falls on the dryness spectrum.

Now, throughout my years of experience, I've created this dryness scale which spans from 1 to 10. Picture it like this: 10 represents the most frizziest hair, while 1 embodies hair that's luxuriously soft without a hint of frizz.

Now, let's dig deeper into this scale. Levels 2 to 4 are manageable without the need for hair products, and blow-drying doesn't lead to frizz. Now, let's talk about Level 5 – this is where things get interesting. At Level 5, hair starts becoming trickier to manage and loses its natural movement. It's also where you'll notice a loss of shine and the beginnings of a slight kink.

As we climb the scale from Level 6 onwards, hair loses its vibrancy and becomes lighter in color. By Level 7, it gets stiffer to the touch. Levels 8 and 9 bring us to the point where hair loses most of its movement and retracts back when you try to comb it. Level 10 is the peak of dryness, where no product can work wonders because even the core of the hair strand lacks natural oils. At Level 10, you'll notice extreme separation, stiffness, and bulk.

An interesting observation, I've often seen skin irritation conditions in individuals at Level 10, a topic I'll cover in one of my skincare videos.

Now that you're familiar with my dryness scale, the key is knowing how to conduct a proper consultation and asking the right questions when dealing with your clients. I've got you covered with another video specifically on hair care consultation, where I'll walk you through those essential questions to ensure your clients get the best hair care experience.

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