Episode Transcript

Hi, I'm Mike Ryan, and welcome to Episode 5 of 'Hair Care.' In this episode, we're going to address a common misconception and bring to light an essential element often overlooked: water.

What are the no-shampoo supporters missing? Water. Yes, water is the biggest culprit! I won't neglect to share what the no-shampoo supporters are leaving out. They often forget to mention the component of how long a person's head is under the water. Thankfully, I've done all the testing in my salons and all the work for you, so you don't have to experiment on your own. So, how long is too long? For everyone, it's no more than one minute. When your head is submerged in water for more than a minute, the water itself starts washing the oils out of your hair and away from your scalp.

What's crucial to understand is that water and oil don’t mix. Oil rises to the top of water—even cold water. If you're skeptical, here's a simple experiment for you: get two empty glasses, put a few tablespoons of olive oil at the bottom of each, and pour hot water into one glass and cold water into another. You'll notice that the oil in both glasses rises to the top.

So-called experts frequently advise people not to use hot water on their hair, but the temperature isn't the primary concern. The real issue? Duration. Remember to keep your head dry during your shower until the absolute last minute. For instance, if you take a 10-minute shower, attend to your body and everything else first, keeping your head dry until the ninth minute.

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