Episode Transcript

Hi, I'm Mike Ryan, and welcome to Episode 7 of 'Hair Care.'

In this episode, we're going to discuss the business model of the shampoo industry. This model is designed to provide misinformation for profit.

Misinformation on Labels

The misinformation takes place on the labels of the shampoo and conditioner bottles. In another video, we talk in detail about this misinformation on the labels and how that information is drying out your hair.

Vilification of Natural Oils

Second, to the detriment of our skin and hair, the shampoo companies do a good job of vilifying the one thing that’s actually good for your hair: your natural oils. Our natural oils—that our body produces—are being vilified by shampoo commercial advertising.

You’ve probably seen the shampoo commercials where they vilify the oils by telling you that they’re dirty. These commercials even show images of models with an exaggerated amount of oil placed in the models' hair. Now that they’ve both shown you images of oily hair and told you that oils are dirty, they’ve completed their mission of making oils synonymous with dirt.

I can’t stress it enough: oils are essential for our hair and skin and are absolutely not dirty. If these companies have truly tested their own products, they would absolutely know how even just one shampoo session could remove all natural oils from the hair and scalp.

Business Model and Its Impact

These companies that follow this business model want you to follow the directions that they give to you. Because they know what your hair is going to look like if you follow their directions. These companies have learned that when hair becomes extremely dry and frizzy, people get desperate. They’ve also learned that when people are desperate, they tend to spend more money.

That’s why they sell you the cheap $8 to $15 bottle of shampoo and conditioner: because they know you’re going to spend $20, $30, or $40 on other products when the shampoos wreck your hair. This is the new business model. First, vilify oils; then provide the misinformation and directions that are the absolute opposite of what you should do.

Offered Products vs. Natural Oils

Last, they offer you products that are supposed to take the place of what your own oils do. As a veteran hairstylist, I know that these products are inferior to your natural oils. The products I’m talking about are the hair styling products as well as showering conditioners. Now, these products do have their place and purpose, but not to the extent that they like to advertise.

In another video, we talk about how to get the perfect oil balance. For now, what’s important to know is that shampoo companies vilify your natural oils because they know how truly valuable they are. But instead, they twist the information for their own gains and profit.


The intention of this podcast is to teach you to not be so quick to trust the information that’s advertised on the labels, and to empower you to understand how to look through all of the misinformation.

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