Episode Transcript

Make sure your frizz products have a "substantial" amount of oil. The reason why oils are effective is because they act as an "oil barrier," and they help to "lock in moisture." Your product should work for the entire day, not just for an hour or two. If you find that a product loses its effectiveness after a couple of hours, that’s because it doesn’t have enough of the active ingredient, which is in most cases - "oil." A lot of products "don't" have enough oil, and the main ingredient is water.

Whenever the main ingredient is water, the product will only work temporarily, and the water will evaporate. This is a strategy that companies use so that way you’ll need to use more product midway in the day. Some companies use this strategy as their business model to help them to make more profit. So when checking to see if your product is working for you or not, just ask yourself if it keeps your hair in order throughout the day without having to reuse it.

If this is the case, you can use this one simple trick of adding in a coconut oil cream to your frizz product. I would like to do a Q&A session for this topic. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. That’s all for frizz products for now. If you have questions, leave them for me to answer.

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