Episode Transcript

Do the opposite of what the shampoo bottles tell you to do. For daily use, rinse and repeat, work in thoroughly, and all the way down to the roots and scalp, leave on 2 to 4 minutes. These directions are described on all shampoo bottles and are geared towards removing every last drop of oil from your hair and skin. Is it possible that shampoo companies know how bad your hair and skin can look and feel if all of the oils are removed? Ever wonder why shampoo bottles ask you to follow these directions? Then listen to my podcast entitled 'Misinformation Business Model,' which will explain how shampoo companies are profiting from this misinformation.

To be clear, to achieve a perfect oil balance, do not rinse and repeat, do not work in thoroughly, and do not work all the way down to the scalp. So instead, do the complete opposite of what these bottles tell you! These directions are for how to totally strip your hair of its essential oils.

So instead, follow my 20/20/20 rule which involves rinsing your hair for 20 seconds, shampooing for 20 seconds, and then rinsing the shampoo out with the remaining 20 seconds, and then get out of the shower and dry your hair. For longer hair, double the time and follow the 40/40/40 rule. If you say that you need more than 2 minutes, then you are being too thorough, and that is what we are trying to avoid.

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